When Your Wealth Puts You at Risk
The newer your wealth is, the less you may be aware that malicious individuals can view you as a profitable potential target. We have conducted countless risk assessments for wealthy individuals, and again and again, we encounter families that have not considered this potential threat. People come into “sudden” wealth for many reasons, be it the sale of a company, a merger, a profitable investment, inheritance, or marriage. When they have lived in the same community, kept the same friends, attended the same clubs and places of worship, and enjoyed the same familiar restaurants and social settings they always have, it is easy for them to have a false sense of security (“I am the same person I have always been.”).
If this sounds familiar, please don’t maintain that mindset. While you might in fact be the same, your wealth and success will cause others to view and treat your differently. Read our recent interview with TorchStone security experts Joe Funk and Peter T. Quinn, “Traveling Safely When You Are a High Net Individual,” to learn how to enjoy your lifestyle while ensuring you and your family are always safe.